"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years."-Abraham Lincoln

Wednesday, February 17, 2010



oh the joys of life. skylar confessed thank god! i think its only the beginning for those 2 because there's more there. we've been fighting bout boyfriend but i have a feeling his days are limited. oh darn wait skylar and i agreed not to discuss him. destiny and i have been talking every day lately which is cool. my life has been surrounded by drama but i want them to work out sooo bad. i for some odd reaason have nothing to say tonight. it'll come.

Saturday, February 6, 2010



oh it has been a long few weeks. so a friend of mine was suppose to tell this guy how she feels then last second decided to bail. i mean she had decided it a week ago then all week had kept changing her mind and then 10 hours before bailed. i think i have permanent whiplash i swear. now she regrets it all over again and doesn't know what to do. all i can say is acht du lieber (oh my in german).

so this new guy keeps texting me and i'm pretty sure he likes me but i don't know how i feel about him. he kinda liked my best friend first. oh how history repeats itself.

my other best friend basically ended our friendship based on something blown out of proportion. sorry i didn't remember a 5 second conversation when i have more serious issues at hand.

i caught my dad looking up apartments. that was a sock to the gut. i almost retore my acl but luckily its just sprained and i have a bruised tibia. unfortunately i'm done with basketball for the season.

life is just getting in the way again!