I've come to realize its been almost a month since I've last blogged so here I am. My mom's started nursing school so I get the car four nights a week automatically. Not that I take advantage or anything. *cough cough*
I leave for Germany on Friday! I'm beyond excited. I've been waiting for months and months to go and it's almost here. This is going to be my fun times that also involves relaxing and some German culture if you know what I mean. I also can't wait to see all of my Germans! I miss them so much. Some of us are like sisters and we are going to be each others godparents of our future children. It's going to be marvelous.
Right now I've kind of gotten frustrated. I've been working like 24/7 this weekend so I'm exhausted (kitchen jobs are hard work). Plus I've just gotten frustrated in life period. I've gotten yelled at twice last night and neither for good reasons plus whenever I voice my thoughts and emotions it seems as if people get so defensive and aren't even listening. What am I to do?