"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years."-Abraham Lincoln

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Mood Crushing Friends


{If you speak three languages, you're trilingual. If you speak two languages, you're bilingual. If you speak one language, you're American. -Author Unknown}

So I've been a pretty good mood with spring break fast approaching. However, there is always that friend ready to bring you down. This "friend" is a constant B (I don't want to swear). Today, she's bragging about her spring break trip, a roadtrip in an RV. I told her that so far my only spring break plans are spending the weekend at Skylar's. She's like mine's still better. I told her that I'm sure both of ours will be great. She replies you really think yours will be better than mine? ha. I was done talking to her.

Then I posted a quote on facebook that you see at the top just like that. Then same friend writes that's a quote so wow you're plagarizing. I'm in like that wow really mood. I do believe that if you say author unknown you're giving credit, correct me if I'm wrong.

Why do people have to bring others down? It's a waste of time. There is no need to wallow in misery and to bring others with you! Let others be happy and wallow in your own misery.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Oh My


You know what's a bad feeling. Knowing that your best friend dumped her boyfriend for you. Plus, now you caused a major fight between the new guy and her. All because he read over her shoulder at a text message. I know that one's not my fault but still. I have no clue how to fix it like absolutely none. She's never going to let me forget this one. I know that

Friday, March 5, 2010



So today I totally realized I haven't updated in weeks. Lets give the low down here. We played our last basketball game today and we lost (go figure). I've been rehabing my knee which sucks because I'm pretty sure that our trainer loves to see in pain. She's sadistic (right word?). Actually that's an exaggeration, I love our trainer she's awesome. Every crazy moment happens in her room.

I realized that I had an awesome way to express my life during basketball season. You eat, sleep, breath, and socialize thru basketball. You have like no life. I'm a social person but even I struggle...

My parents seem to have been better lately. They aren't so obvious with tension as they were 4 months ago. It's quite nice.

I've been writing a book too. It's called Kaleigh so far after her name, creative I know. It's about a superstar basketball player and a new girl comes to school whose amazing too. Well that's the original plan but it's kind of changing. I'll see where that one goes.

Hmm, is there really more to say? I compeletely bombed a German test. First, all I do is text which is problem one. Two, she put body parts on a sports test. We never learned them. Third, we had to write a dialog completely in German. Yeah, trust me not easy when they had to have 8 sentences with 8 words per sentence. That was ugly.

I really don't think there's much else. This is me signing off!